Met up with some of the girls today..
Tracy, Pearl, Yuki, Regina, Melissa..
Tagged along was Pearl's friend, and later on came Sebas, and Mel's Bf.
Boney went to town with me.. Willingly because his friend, Philip agreed to meet him at town!
He NEVER will wanna go meet my girls with me ALONE. Idiot.
Nevermind.. Then met up with Martin, and another campmate of Martin's and Philip's.
Boney and his friends went to play pool and all of us followed (:
Let me describe the link between Boney and his friends.
Boney and Philip were schoolmates..
Martin is my Sis's ex..
Martin and Philip are camp and bunk mates..
Then.. just friday, Boney realise the other friend was his 8yrs-not-seen Ghim moh friend..
Isn't the world just so small?!
Cool eh!
Anyway, we parted at Cine and Martin drove me, Boney and Philip to Paradiz to play L4D.
Considering the many Lan shop in Paradiz Centre.. HOW CAN ALL OF THEM BE FULL?!
Expected. LOL.
So we went over to Princep Street which was opp Paradiz.
Managed to find a Lan shop for 3.
I really SUCKS at L4D!!
I wasn't killed most of the time I died.. I COMMITTED SUICIDE!
By accidentally falling down =__=
And only after a few times that I realise I don't have to jump to climb the ladder.. Just have to scroll the view up and walk forward =X
Finished the game and headed to the bus stop while Philip and Martin went for St James.
Was thinking of taking 3N as it was around 1140pm.
However, managed to catch the last 190 bus!
Though there is still bus service from CCK interchange to Boney's house, we decided to walk home!
Okok.. I'm rushing another post (:
Home sweet home at around 1am.

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