Words For The Month..

What you failed is what makes you learn..

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Entry 370: Some absence and silence doesnt mean dead!

Hello hello!

Yes, like I've mentioned, attachment has started and I wouldn't have time to keep blogging. I'll still update whenever I am free and NOT tired xD

Went Kyoto Haven and GREAT CATCH!
Gerald alone caught 9 eh!
BBya caught one 4kg GT, but gotta release :(
That's the rule. ANyway, GT meat isnt nice so no point taking back too.

I'll dedicate one entry on that with photos.. so stay tuned!

Relationship wise...
As usual?
It's been 2 years 9 months.. Few days more to 2 and 10..

There will sure be changes but I have to adapt to it with time. Else, how do I survive? How do we survive? How does love gonna survive??

Back into the centre, heard how the kids talk for the whole 8plus hours.. Back home, I'm so influenced and started talking like the kids -.-"

haha.. I sounded cute! :p
Probably cos whenever I say something, I think of the kids' expression..SO ADORABLE!!!

ok, I should complete my task 1 of this 4th wk.. shall not accumulate since I'm going to implement lessons soon!! Yet to finish all the materials and deco for my 2 learning centres too :/

Goodnight world!


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Entry 369: The pat on my head to calm my guilt...

For my dumbness and ignorance
For my shock and guilt
For my tears and sadness

You gave a lil pat to calm it all
Assured me "it's ok"
When deep down I sense it not

On the journey home
You came up with all the possible excuse
And all do not mention a tinge bout me
Baby, thank you

You ease my mind
You shouldered the blame when it could have been otherwise
You made my fullstop a pleasant one

I can't be any grateful and thankful
With you, I can be safe
With you, I know I'm protected and defended.

You are the one to guard the door of my heart
Only you, could.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Entry 368: 眼睛不会说谎



你看着我 眼里只有我

告诉我把永远交给你 我点了点

毫不犹豫 接下来只要证明

时间会让世界多丑陋 我不知晓




我才发现 爱情会很累

眼里少了光芒疲惫了 你我认了

太多事情 让我们喘不过气

以为能甜蜜好久好久 却没想到




让生命完整了些 虽然还不够

那天的接受 你我都没后悔过

我们庆幸 我们是事世上还相爱的


却还不想放弃 坚决继续爱到底

伤痕累累 疲惫不堪

痛得累了还是一种拥有 因为有你

加快脚步 勇往直前


我知道眼睛说了 相信我 不会说谎


Wrote this on a spur of inspiration.
Won't be dedicating this to him, cos I'm sure he doesn't know how to read many characters
Neither does he know what's the meaning of the lyrics.

Still, it's a bit based on our own story.
Hope you enjoyed it too (:


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Entry 365: ..and it could be a liability

Oh please.
I was browsing through HOTSTUFF's models..
Ok, I do agree some are really off standard, not very kind to pinpoint anyway.

But those with the looks, yeah, you bet you'll see negative comments.

People find flaws everywhere! If they have a pretty face, they comment about the boobs.

Otherwise, they doubted she might be a trannie -.-"

Nose job, boob job, plastic surgery.. Oh whatever.
I was once skeptical about surgeries.. But if you are capable of getting one to 'refine and enhance' your look (certified places to get it done) then by all means!

At the end the day, the one who really loves you truly is the one who appreciates your inner beauty.
The YOU, in you.

And this beaut I'm talking isn't refering to how kind and gentle you are deep down. You could be passionate about certain things which draws that guy's (vice versa) attention. It could be your strong personality or stubborn nature :x

This is what makes Love weird, isnt it?

Ok, just some random stuff to share.
Shall go have a nice shower and head to my house!

Remember to tell the people around you,
I Love You..


Entry 364: Holidays Isn't Holidays.

Words don't always show you the complete picture..
Yet pictures don't always tell you the entire story..

My Mom's CAO GU TOU!
She cut away her pretty AH LIAN hair! OMG.. Now look like what?!


The constipation face! haha

And end off with a 'pretty' me :p

p.s: Even when hopes are low, you gave me that strength to carry on.. with just a simple retarded smile :)


Monday, June 14, 2010

Entry 363: When Life Is Pictorized..

@ Mambo with BBya, Gerald & Christin-AH (inside joke), Steve, and C.C. FUN!

If you're observant enough.. Something is different in me!
Spot the diff eh! ;)

 C.C. FUN!
As stinky as always! :x

 Christin-AH~! hahaha

 Gerald the Eye Model for CCCChiang~!
Long sexaye eyelashes~ Muahahahahha

 @ Kyoto Haven Fishing Pond with BBya, his Mom, Gerald & Chris

 If only it was taken during broad daylight.. The place is beautiful (:

 Plentiful of these...

 Love ya Earthlings!

Saved some photos for the next few posts in case I don't have any pictures to update with xD
Will upload them all at once in FB though! :D

Take care!

p.s: Flu is making me so sick :(


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Entry 362: This Solitary Moment Makes Me Wanna Come Back Home..

Attachment started on Monday. It was alright, jokes at times, yet tiring.
Tasks required to do are making me snooze..

Trying to max the time I have with him on Tues and Wed til I exhaust my body. Not that we went out til midnights but I'm tired after a whole day.

Been feeling like a lost sheep whenever conflicts arise.. Major communication breakdown in my view. I can't talk peacefully cos I'll just link everything together. So much after they accumulate. (PieceOfAdvice: Never ever wait til it explode. Voice it out before it gets worse.)

I should have accepted the fact that outdoor companion with Friends overrides Girlfriend.
In his case.

He might not feel so cos he is not the one experiencing the inferiority and negligence.
No matter how many times I try sounding it to him, he just don't get it.
I don't wanna explain myself further.

The only thing I'll defend, he does love and care for me.

We all know that we should be contented. But contented with just these two is not going to work. "Bread vs. love" dilemma? And of course, the "Intention vs. Action" issue.

Havent you heard enough of "I intend to...", "I wanted to...", "I planned to..."
Yet they just don't do anything..do they? The 'BUT' word that follows every such sentence is so disappointing and frustrating. It simply piss you off.

Ok, I shall not elaborate further.

I'm currently waiting for my Mom to come home and we will be heading to the optics together cos I broke the 'nose bridge' thingy of the specs? xD

Yes, very chor lor. haha

Shall end off here..
Updates probably during weekends now since I'm pretty occupied with school requirements and attachments :(

Take care peeps (:

There are a few factors to consider when you think further about a relationship.

(works both ways for majority)
- Is the guy able to attend to my emotional needs?
Is he able to communicate with me? (Being tgt doesnt mean no comm. breakdowns but whether is it frequent or not)
- Is he ready to settle down from all the "plays"
- Is he ready to start a family too?
Is he ready to assume greater responsibility (breadwinner/father)
- Is he financially capable? (stability wise, I think 1 bomb everything's gone)
- Is finding a job or switching jobs easy for him (shit happens)
- Does he know how to calculate? (Not stingy ut savings is a MUST once u start having an income)

The above question roughly sound out what's concerning me..
Kinda inter-related and links..
