Words For The Month..

What you failed is what makes you learn..

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Entry 370: Some absence and silence doesnt mean dead!

Hello hello!

Yes, like I've mentioned, attachment has started and I wouldn't have time to keep blogging. I'll still update whenever I am free and NOT tired xD

Went Kyoto Haven and GREAT CATCH!
Gerald alone caught 9 eh!
BBya caught one 4kg GT, but gotta release :(
That's the rule. ANyway, GT meat isnt nice so no point taking back too.

I'll dedicate one entry on that with photos.. so stay tuned!

Relationship wise...
As usual?
It's been 2 years 9 months.. Few days more to 2 and 10..

There will sure be changes but I have to adapt to it with time. Else, how do I survive? How do we survive? How does love gonna survive??

Back into the centre, heard how the kids talk for the whole 8plus hours.. Back home, I'm so influenced and started talking like the kids -.-"

haha.. I sounded cute! :p
Probably cos whenever I say something, I think of the kids' expression..SO ADORABLE!!!

ok, I should complete my task 1 of this 4th wk.. shall not accumulate since I'm going to implement lessons soon!! Yet to finish all the materials and deco for my 2 learning centres too :/

Goodnight world!


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