Sudden gush of tears
From deep within reasons unknown
Perhaps I'm just longing for that lil hope
The urge to just leave this world out of my life
I feel like enclosing myself to nothing else but myself and my own family
They who will really take me for who I am
And not who I should be
When I needed someone
When my sorrows pour
He is not whom I confide into
They are not whom I called up to
Cos deep down I know
No matter how much I try or they
Things are still not gonna change much
Have you feel battered in life
With an unknown force so strong that you feel yourself falling so hard
You wonder has gravity taken its toll on you
Has life been a problem to you
Maybe, you wanted everything to end
The moment you fall flat on ground
but how true is that
The moment you realise things are still the same
You are back to a helpless being wandering on the streets
How hard you cry is not gonna be heard
Cos people out there are too loud
They can't hear you
Have you tried speaking up and voicing out for yourself
Yet left with snares and glares you can't sway away
I talked to you but you can't hear me
You have your problems and I have mine
Emotions take it away
And you loathe so much you walked away
Don't you see where our problem lies?
Each day that passed with tearful face
How am I suppose to be strong enough to challenge whatever might follow
How am I strong to believe we'll always pull through?
I know I've been a drag to you
These while you said you love me
Yet talk feels so cheap I can't deny I'm sick
Future seems vague and dream seems weary
I no longer feel my strength to hold on
Though I know your presence could lessen no heartache
I wish you could be here for me always
Not like the way you do
Or maybe I should quit being reliant on you who need your freedom
Intentions to quit feeling so emotional
Hoping to take this load off you
Yet no matter how hard I try
I know failure is finalised
Cos I've never won in your battle of games and ciggs..
I'm fine. link me up mei?