My day was frightened early in the morning after my quick shower.
Tell me how it feels to see your pet hammie "toddler" being crowded around by other hammies and the FATHER hammie..
I jumped and cried
I was NOT doing anything to stop them from biting instead I screamed for help from him who was sleeping soundly yet shock to hear me scream AGAIN..
It wasn't the first..
First was gruesome..
When discovered, it was a dead hammie without head.
I cried of course, seeing nothing but red flesh with hollow body =(
I was at a lost..
cruel father hammie has been isolated and all I left in the male hammie tank are two white faced robro..
Poor boys..
School was fine.. Nothing great about it
Nothing exciting..
And to be honest, I felt "separated"
I felt like some retarded attention seeker trying to *snap snap* hey hey I'm here!
I told my "clique" in class that I miss them alot though I didn't meet them at all during the long holidays
I'm sorry I'm just not those type that go out even if I'm TOTALLY broke.. D:
I know they will understand me..
But this distance between us which I felt..
It makes me wonder.. are we going to be like "hi! where we eating? where is the next class? Bye~"
Not the normal "hi-bye" friends if you get what I mean.
More or less like an answering machine..
With a questionaire..
just lacking that million dollars to be won
Perhaps, I might be wrong
Perhaps, I do feel that we're still one body.. just a lil..
all that we have to do is tighten it up abit..
I had fabulous lunch.
Received my grey lenses for free again from WR bro..
Gotten two pairs at $15 ea.
And I got to know a new friend of WR bro..
I think he is the manager or something working at E2Max Cathay
I suppose I could get free gaming sessions in those room if I see him!
That's what bro told me la.. haha
alright, I shall stop here..
I'm tired..
Timetable is "exhausting" my energy..
P.s: What if I couldn't.... I'm worried..

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