Words For The Month..

What you failed is what makes you learn..

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Entry 289: A FriDAY-Out

Went to my childcare centre to let my mentor sign my fp guidebook which I had to redo and submit to her for attendence signing COS I DROPPED MY PREVIOUS ONE INTO THEIR DAMN BUILT-IN SHELF WHICH BLARDY HELL HAS A CROOKED WALL ATTACHED that I can't retrieve the book la!!

But oh well.. finished redoing those few pages the day I got a new one..
so managed to let her sign it ytd. Save the hassle for me after my 2hrs monday class (:

Anyways, following 4 photos are long overdued.. taken the day XT and I went cycling at ECP..

And not to forget the fall which gave her this red bruise xD LOL!

Before meeting her at Fareast yesterday..

Can't remember when was the last time we took photos together >.<
His hair color isn't obvious here cos I editted the tone xD

 Didn't take many photos nowadays..
Shall wait for XT to send me the one we took yesterday (:
And thanks for the necklace!
Though you mentioned it's only 5bucks..


1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    It is the 'older' brother reader again. It was brave of you to pour out your thoughts about XL vis-a-vis your partner. You are still young, and whilst may have had some experiences with relationships will come to experience more complications in the future. Eternal love is always richly cherished, always fantasized but it takes a lot of effort, tolerance, commitment to stick to it. What you have gone through is very normal, and it happens to the bravest souls.

    Stay strong, and be easy on yourself. Out of it all, you have your family. Family sticks with you through it all, not anyone else. Nice day!
