Words For The Month..

What you failed is what makes you learn..

Monday, February 1, 2010

Entry 293: Early bird blogs..

It's been some time since the last time I ever blogged in the morning. Not to say midnight or what la.

Oh well, initially we have to go to school for pathetic 2hrs only cos there are no lectures for today ONLY.
One of the lecture is scheduled as "off" while the other is cos we have finished the module.

So as usual the kind EC tutorial class teacher decided to make things easy and convenient for us, thus explains the reason why I received two messages from my fellow classmates saying there will be no EC class today and shall be postponed til tomorrow's morning! =D

Am going out later with Mom, big aunt and probably Grandma (as told by my cuzzie). If grandma is going, I suppose my uncle is driving us there eh? (:

I'm not sure which Sheng Siong and CK they going. Normally their usual shopping place is chinatown.. wonder if there is any change ><

Ok. Had a good night last night ^^ Shall not blog further now. I wanna go eat my BANANA CAKE! =DDD nom nom nom~


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