Words For The Month..

What you failed is what makes you learn..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Entry 420: Never flawless. Never perfect.

Every single event in life keeps me reflecting continuously. And contemplating all these life events - be it concerning me directly or not, they are all compiled into my valuable lessons and served as assignments for me to work on.

Does anyone know my favourite subject is love itself? In my term, defined as relationship between family members, 'the one', friends, etc.
These few days, I gave myself a question to research on. I turned on my mind and started typing in any possible key words. I flipped through pages of my life book and I seem to realise something..

Though it might sound absurd to say...
Humans ARE stupid.

We always trip and fall back on the same mistake. We vouch to never make that damn blunder, but aberration occurs.. the least you expect, isn't it? *winks*

I got to say, whatever the cause might be that broke the ties or bonds you once had with (for example) Boyfriend A. Why, why do you head for someone who is no better?

So you started to reason out with others. And the best reason you could give is that damn mistake that was the root cause of the misfortune yet chance is the mercy you gave to another to prove he could be better when he might not.

True enough, it depends how strong that feeling is, and how determined the commitment is set out by two hearts. Yet you can't deny, unfairness exists to either party. We can't cross out this fact that hurt is meant to be brought upon by our own hands, sometimes, or most of the times, when you make a decision others do not expect you to.
First, I sympathised and was angry for a friend. All he said was he is at fault and all he could do now is to bless them no matter how shocked he is to see the cruel news. I sensed all that he tried to say, meant to make himself feel less hurt, though it might be words that do not sound pleasant.

For a moment, I thought I should stand by him all the way. Then I realised, we are all like this. We can't forsake the truth that we all act the way we hate others to do it on us. Love, is not to be begrudged.

Yes, it hurts to let go. And letting go might not means happiness. But you know, you'll pull through some day. All you need is ample time to learn. Regardless of the number of times you're gonna make this faux pas, just remember, never stop moving forward..

It might not be all that I wanted to voice out, but I know, we're all clear in our heart and mind. We see what we're doing.. maybe not immediate but we will eventually..

Til then, love your life.


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