Words For The Month..

What you failed is what makes you learn..

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Entry 418: A wish so impractical

I have this sudden crazy thought..
Perhaps a wish that might never ever realistically happen to me
And that is..

To have a male friend who makes every girls want to know him.
A cute, handsome, pretty-face and rich (ahhem :p) friend.
And he would treat his best female friend, me, the way that makes every other girls go pulling my hair.
Ok, skip that catfight part :x

Will there be such a guy in my life?
Obviously, I'm not talking about love between a boy and a girl.
It's admirable friendship (sounds ridiculous?)

Maybe it does exist in other people's life.
But do I get to play a part too? :p

Dream on! yea, I know..
shhhh.. just let me have this lil 'wish'
that one day, my "best friend" will appear.. HAHA


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