Words For The Month..

What you failed is what makes you learn..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Entry 235: When will it ever end..

When was the beginning
When will it end

Life is like this
Love is no better

When will it be the commencement of the next
When will I be feeling someone near
When will I be feeling needed
When time has changed everything
or somehow in one way or another

I wish he could be there when I need him
I wish he could answer to my cries
I wish he could respond to my silence
I wish he could sense my loneliness and fear

I'm used to it
I'm no longer that afraid
Perhaps they my heart no longer hold
Perhaps they my life has distant

My only concern of you
When would you hear my shout out to you
Or maybe selectively you choose to hear "it"

When "it" takes away too much of your time, attention and life..
What's left for me?

You never notice your existence in my life is fading..
I love you..
But I yearn most for someone who really cares to be here for me
Someone who really wanna protect and take care of me
Someone who senses my weakness and tries to brave all those fears for me

Sadly, you are never like this
If requests are too demanding
I'd rather let it be and leave
For the least I know efforts are just nothing but plain words
You said you did them
But what you have done
Nothing comparable to what is longed for

p.s: Boy, I can't lie that it's tears when I think about you and me..


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