Words For The Month..

What you failed is what makes you learn..

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Entry 255: Dark Stick..

Wonder how many girls you've admired, their beautiful smile, sparkling eyes, sharp features, hot and sexy figure..

Stepped out of the restricted compound and you see them on a stick, fagging.
Social embrace, nothing uncommon
No offense.

But look again, their beauty you told me
They begin to dim
Cos I believe she'll shine so much better
She could be more than pretty..
She could be gorgeous and elegant.

But definitely not with that stick



  1. hello , may i noe whats ur sis' blog url ?

  2. harlo =D
    i would like to ask you about what programs you use to edit all your pics and how you make your blog heading pics so nice?
    cause last time i did try one..but not as nice as yours..
    hope you wouldn't mind to share with me =D
